The Winton Vs. Arbour
2-6-6-6 Construction
Page 3

The Arbour instructions start with the rear drivers so I will start that on the Winton as well.

The Winton has 2 frame sides with press-fit supports.
The Arbour is a one piece casting.

Using mini-open wrench, the supports are pressed in.
The winton shows a lot of soldering, but I will leave the supports
unsoldered for adjustments

The motor mount is supposed to fit between the frame.
As the instructions say, I have to file the motor mount
round, looks like I have to file in the mount as well.

I could use a file....
instead, I will use my dremel tool setup,
a dremel Moto-Tool deluxe drill press stand with
a cross motion clamp vise. Accurate.

I will grind down to fit inside the frame.


Fitting as such.
(for modelers who like to build)

Cutting done, well, I was off a tad, doesnt affect anything.
Instructions mention rounding out the frame,
I will wait and see if it affects operation later.
Screw will hold in place.


Just for jollies and whetting my appetite,
I pop the driver wheels on.
The wheels already are mounted on a bearing axle,
they turn relatively free already, oiling and
operation will loosen them up, they fit on
very well.

The Arbour rear frame I don't need to do anything,
however, jollies again, I try the wheels, no
bearings on the axles, they don't seat in.
looks like some work here, but I will
watch the instructions for this.

On to the Front Drivers>>>