Before you install Q-Shield you must make sure that:
  • you are connected to the Internet.
  • your operating system is Windows 95, 98, NT 4, 2000, Me or XP.
  • you have all of the latest patches for your particular operations system. For more information please refer to .

Also, you must know what type of account you have. Content Filtering is free for all Personal 56K Premium and Business 56K Premium accounts. If you have one of these accounts please call 888-926-4242 to set an administrative account for Content Filtering.

Installing Q-Shield

NOTE: If you are unsure of what to do at any point in this process please call Technical Support, 888-926-4242.
  1. Click HERE to download Q-Shield installation file.
  2. Choose the Run (or Open) option, and click OK.
  3. On the next screen click Yes.
  4. Once the file is downloaded and launched, Q-Shield will need to install an update utility checker to make sure that your operation system meets minium system requirements. To install to the default location click Next.
  5. Q-Shield will check your operating system for any necessary patches.
    • If patches are not needed then the installation will proceed.
    • If patches are needed then the installation will ask you if you want to install the correct patches. Click No (this will end the installation) and then go to to download and install the necessary patches. Once patches are installed you can start the Q-Shield installation process again.
  6. You should see the Welcome to Q-Shield Install Wizard. Click Next.
  7. Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
  8. The next screen allows you to select where you want the Content Filter software installed. To accept the default location (recommended) click Next.
  9. Click Yes to prcoeed with connection to registration server.
  10. You should see the Welcome to Q-shield for Windows screen. At this point there are two different sets of instructions depending on the Quantum account type that you have.
    • If you have a Personal 56K Premium or Business 56k Premium account then enter your adminstrative account name and click Continue. Then skip to step #14. If you have not been given an administrave account name call Technical Support, 888-926-4242.
    • If you do not have a Personal 56K Premium or Business 56k Premium account then click on Click here to create a new account.
  11. Enter in a username and password. This is the administrative username and password and will be needed to make any changes to Q-Shield in the future. Click Create Account.
  12. Click on Click here to create profile. You must have at least one profile in order for Q-Shield Content Filtering to work.
  13. Enter the username and password for your profile. Check all the catagories that you want to filter for that profile and click Add User.
  14. Once your profile is created then you can continue to create addition profiles for other users or select Click here when finished.
  15. You should now see a summary screen. Review this to make sure that you are installing to the the desired location. Click Next.
  16. Once the installation is complete you will be prompted to reboot. Click Finish to reboot your computer. The program will not operate properly until the computer is rebooted. If you have a Personal 56K Premium or Business 56k Premium account then proceed with the Initial Q-Shield Setup section to create your profiles. All other users can begin using the program since those profiles were created during the installation process.
Initial Q-Shield Setup
  1. Once the program is installed you need to create a profile. Open the Preferences by right clicking on the Q-Shield icon in the system tray (normally in the lower right-hand corner - by the clock), and choosing Preferences.
  2. Click Administration on the left, enter your Q-Shield account password, and click Login.
  3. Click Profiles on the left.
  4. Click Create a new user. You MUST create at least one profile to use Q-Shield.
  5. Enter the username, password, as well as the categories you want for the filtering profile, and click Add User. It will take approximately 1 minute for the new profile you created to become active.
  6. Click Users on the left.
  7. Choose the profile you want to login with, and enter the password. Click Login.
Basic Q-Shield Usage
  • If you do not have a Personal 56K Premium or Business 56k Premium account then Q-Shield Content Filtering is installed as a 14 day trial by default. Every time you login over those 14 days you will be prompted to either buy, skip, or uninstall the program.
  • Once your 14 day trial is over you will need to purchase or uninstall the program. If you do not then your Internet connectivity will be locked down. This is a precaution built into the software. If you choose to uninstall the program then you will need the administrative username and password.
  • The adminstrative username and password will be needed to make any changes to Q-Shield, i.e. uninstalling, create profiles, deleting profiles, ect. This is a precaution of the program to make sure that it cannot be tampered with my children or employees.
  • Once the program is installed then it will launch whenever you attempt to launch any web based software, such as browsers, mail programs, messenger services, etc. If you connect to the Internet then Q-Shield will open first. You must login to Q-Shield using your profile name in order to connect to the Internet.
  • When you are done using the Internet you must logout of Q-Shield by right clicking on the Q-Shield icon and selecting Logout. This logs you out of your current profile. If you do not than any other person using your machine will be using your profile and thereby will only see what your profile allows them to see. This is very important for parents who have set up profiles for children in the house. For example, if you create a profile for yourself (the parent) that allows Alcohol & Tobacco (one of the 15 Content Filtering catagories) and do not log out of your profile then a child in the house will be able to view Alcohol and Tobacco related material.

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