Spam Protection

Quantum Connections offers Spam Filtering on all e-mail accounts. Quantum's Spam Filtering offers two options, Spam Identification and Spam Blocking. These options are free to all existing and new customers.

What is Spam?

Spam is the familiar industry term used for mass advertising or sales e-mail messages that populate many e-mail inboxes. These numerous and often unwanted e-mail messages cause systems to bog down and cost the end user time to clear them out.

How does Spam Filtering work?

Most spam follows certain protocols or techniques, such as long blank spaces in the subject line, blank sender addresses, or offers to be removed from a list. Quantum's new spam filtering services scans for these and numerous additional tell-tale spam signs and flags them as spam before they reach your inbox.

How does spam filtering affect Quantum users?

By default Quantum's mail server will automatically attempt to identify all Spam e-mail messages. Your e-mail will download as before, but you will now see that spam e-mail has been flagged with *****SPAM***** in the subject line. This lets you know that this e-mail message is spam and can be deleted. Most e-mail programs will allow you to set up mail rules so that these flagged messages can be deleted upon delivery or moved to a folder for later use. Instructions for creating an e-mail rule to delete or isolate your Spam can be found by visiting The Spam Rule page. You can also request that Quantum implement the second option of Spam Blocking*, which deletes spam messages before they ever get to your inbox, saving you time and bandwidth.

Quantum will put this filtering service in place for all customers at no charge in an effort to keep your Internet activity and business productivity at it's highest. At this time, Spam identification will be used on all Quantum e-mail accounts. If you are concerned about this please let us know, so that we can assess the need for other options. You can reach us at 926-4242 or 888-926-4242.

So you as a customer have two options:

  • Do nothing and you will still receive all of your e-mail, including those messages flagged as Spam.
  • Click here or click on "My Account" at the top of the page to access and manage your personal spam / junk mail preferences. If you have any technical issues please contact or call 269-926-4242 for customer service.

* Quantum Connections, LLC will not be responsible for any legitimate e-mail lost due to the new spam filtering system. The spam filter searches for known spam techniques and any legitimate e-mail that uses these techniques is subject to identification and potential deletion. Spam blocking will take 1-2 business days to initialize once requested.

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