Wireless Internet Connections

Description: Wireless is a type of connection that does not require a direct line from an Internet server/router to a client's location.

Speed & Reliability: Wireless technology has come a long way in the last few years and has become more and more reliable. Although you can have some weather related issues, the type of heavy weather that could cause a downage would be extremely rare. The speeds can go well over 1.5MB and will allow for expansion, however expected throughput should also be tempered with how much speed Quantum has assigned to your Wireless access point. A sales person can help you understand and set good expectations for the service.

Who should get this: Personal and Business customers that are not in DSL range and do not have the budget for a T1 landline solution.

What to expect: Once you purchase a Wireless account with Quantum Connections, you can expect your account to be active within 7-40 days depending on equipment and accessibility to wireless access points within the Quantum network. Quantum Connections will be happy to order authorized and recommended hardware for you. This cost is in addition to your service. You can also purchase hardware yourself. A Quantum trained specialist will come to your location to install and configure all necessary hardware. Once the installation is done, your service will be in full working order.

Rates: Varies per location. Please call.

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Reliable High-Speed Internet Access
Serving Michigan and Indiana since 1995

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